With your Donation you help to create a Free and Conscious planet
Share Happiness to more Communities in the World
All we need is 1% of the population to join us in our mission
Support a World Foundation focused on expanding happiness and well-being that aims to reach #TenBillionHappyPeopleBy205.
We have big dreams, and we cannot achieve them alone. Your generosity is at the heart of our actions. Be part of The World Happiness Movement.
At the World Happiness Foundation, We Build the capabilities of individuals, communities, organizations, and governments to help accelerate positive impacts on people through a toolkit of training programs and transformative experiences.
Help us advance the public policy dialogue towards an economy of happiness and well-being.
Turn your donation into wellness
Your support is turned into actions for the exchange of knowledge in the Happiness field
Your donation helps to put the world in Harmony
The main challenges facing humanity are related to physical and mental health
Economic Systems
Poor welfare in the economy policies directly affect the health of society.
Rates of depression, anxiety and loneliness increased from the onset of quarantine.
Climate Change
Without preventive actions to reduce global warming, the future is not favorable for humanity.