The World Happiness Academy Annual Membership
Learn how to increase your physical and emotional well-being to live to the fullest
Learn from experts in Well-being, Happiness and Wholeness.
Build a better version of yourself
Video Courses
Live Webinars
Best global practices and tools
Unique experimental learning methods
The best Wellness tools gathered in one place
Access to online training and live sessions with the leading experts in the field
Courses of physical and emotional wellness
Monthly Live Webinars
Full access the global community
Check out the courses you will have access to with your Membership
How to build the roadmap to a life with no barriers
The Art of Contemplation in the Path to Love
Descifrando el Poder de la Pertenencia - Cumbre Virtual
Unlocking the Power of Belonging - Virtual Summit
La inteligencia emocional basada en la atención plena
Are we ready for a society of happiness and wellbeing?
Total and unlimited access for 1 year
Be part of the biggest community of well-being and happiness
USD / Year
Annual membership
Access to Live events
+30 online courses
+850 recorded webinar
Get the secrets of plenitude, joy and good living
Get access to the Cloud Recordings of Our Events
World Happiness Fest
Unlocking the Power of Belonging Summit
The events are recorded in high-quality for your unlimited enjoyment.
Acquires knowledge that positively impacts your life
Start studying the Science of Happiness
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The Gross Global Happiness Summit is one of the few platforms out there that offers an opportunity for coaches, trainers and experts in the happiness field to come together and co-create high quality and innovative programs that tackle the challenges of the 21st century, especially around anxiety and stress management, and all done in an intimate and natural setting of one of the most beautiful university campuses on Earth”
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“Mixing years of knowledge, studies, analysis, and investigations on Happiness, shared by multiple presenters and participants from different parts of the world, brings the richness of diversity and multiculturality that you can only experience in a non-replicable event like the Gross Global Happiness.”
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“For me, GGH has been a high return investment for both my business, teaching, and research. Having attended both 2019 and 2020, I can see the accelerating value coming from engaging in Costa Rica as well as the year-long connections with participants. I find that my depth and breadth of understanding to be highly significant in strengthening my professional work and professional life. Highly recommended.”
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“This is an experience that makes you evaluate the important things in your life and makes you want to be a changemaker to contribute to global human happiness.”
Reinforce your skills in emotional and physical well-being with experiential education
Join the World Academy of Happiness
One payment of $89.99 USD
Experts, professionals and world leaders in happiness and well-being
Who is behind this content?
Luis Gallardo
David Shurna
Richard Rudd
Tom Lillig
Carolina Lasso
Jonh F. Welliwell
World happiness and well-being is one of our most important goals
Our goal is to achieve 10 billion free, conscious and happy people by 2050.
Reach a fuller standard of living
Study online and have access to our content specialized in wellness
USD / Year
Annual membership
Access to Live events
+30 Online courses
+850 recorded webinar