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Why Does It Matter? Living vs. Thriving

Why Does It Matter? Living vs. Thriving

As the world recovers from the impacts of the COVID era, we gain a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be alive.

Stress and anxiety have always been mental health problems that can affect a person’s productivity in the workplace. However, we now also know that a chronic state of worry or mental tension can take a toll on the body over time, contributing to the increased risk of many health issues, which results in more sick days and time off.

These observations became even more apparent as the world experienced a global pandemic that proved on a mass scale just how much our mental health aligns with our physical health. We now also know that well-being consists of other interconnected elements, including our financial, career, community, and social well-being. And the complex combination of all these factors contributes to our state of happiness and satisfaction.

The need to work is a reality that many people have long accepted. We must work to earn the wages we use to pay the bills that sustain our lifestyles. For some, our salaries allow us to buy necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. For others, it’s to afford luxuries. Whether we work to pay for our basic needs or rewards, the goal of every employee remains the same – to feel a sense of purpose.

We are happiest when we know we have a purpose in our professional and personal lives. It’s not enough to simply exist. We want not only to survive but thrive.

Promoting Positive and Productive Purpose

Before the CWO role’s rise, companies hesitated to create a C-suite position dedicated to wellness – thinking it was simply a trend. For many, they figured that they already had senior HR leaders that covered all the aspects focused on improving employee engagement and retention by promoting wellness programs. Many companies have already introduced on-site fitness accommodations promoting physical health and nap rooms that communicate that taking a break is okay. And we’re also seeing more organizations stocking their cafeterias with healthier food options. But is it enough to meet wellness needs and promote a positive and productive work environment?

It’s a start. Many companies have realized these solutions are only effective when leadership deeply roots wellness into the company culture. CWOs lead the way in helping employees achieve that ever-elusive work-life balance. The CWO role matters because it sends a clear message to employees that their overall well-being is a long-term priority. Having a CWO at the helm of all wellness programs communicates to the workforce that they recognize that their physical, emotional, professional, personal, and financial well-being works in harmony.

The CWO and their team strive to eliminate the stigma around conversations on mental health, encouraging positive communication on mental and emotional well-being. They convey that self-care is not “selfish,” positioning it as a strategy to replenish your internal resources to benefit your physical wellness.

A sense of purpose promotes productivity which leads to profitability. When the company culture encourages health and wellness programs, companies can expect increased morale and engagement, improving productivity. The happier employees are, the lower the risk of burnout – which lowers absenteeism and enhances retention. All of these positive results ultimately lead to significant bottom-line gains. 

Continue reading Part 3.


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